
Brave Hearts

Our Mission:

Montana Brave Hearts was founded to give hope for the bravest of hearts. We are dedicated to supporting Montana families, increasing awareness and fundraising for research in hopes for a brighter future for those living with a complex congenital heart defect.


What We Do

Give support to families with CHD

Increase awareness about Congenital Heart Defects & create a support group for families with children with CHD.

Care package program to support Montana families as they travel and/or relocate to out-of-state hospitals for the care of a child or family member with a CHD. We have a very good care package program but the goal is to give stipends or monetary funds to help families pay for the insurmountable cost of relocating for care.

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Donate money for life-changing research

Majority of funds raised are donated to life changing CHD research. We are fundamentally committed to changing the future for those with CHD. Before current surgical methods, families were told they could hold their children while they passed or they could have them undergo a "experimental surgery" that could buy them a little time with their child.

Our mission is fueled by gratitude towards those who made the selfless choice to entrust their children to the hands of surgeons, propelling us forward in our quest to make a difference.


What is CHD?

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) refers to structural heart issues present since birth, affecting the way blood circulates in both children and adults. Congenital means since birth. Various forms of these defects exist, ranging from mild to complex, potentially life-threatening conditions.

1 in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect.

It’s the most common birth defect. 1 in 4 of those born with a CHD has a critical congenital heart defect. Babies with critical congenital heart defects require surgery within the first year of life. Single ventricle heart defects are a type of critical congenital heart defect and this occurs when the baby was born with either the left or side side of the heart. 

Surgery is not a cure, it’s palliative.

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Upcoming Events

“Sometimes, real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.”

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Give Hope for the Bravest of Hearts